Who’s your city?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you are living in the city that’s right for you?  If your quality of life is enhanced by the place you live? That perhaps you would be happier if you lived somewhere else?

I’m back from Turkey and feeling ever so refreshed.  Six weeks of just me. To just sit and think.  Or not think.  Just relax.  And reflect.  Contemplate major decisions.  Like where to live.  And base myself. In fact, before leaving, I even gave notice on my house (which I’ve since renegotiated), and planned to move on.  Yes, I considered going back to Canada and getting a job with things like benefits, weekends, and a fabulous pay cheque.

But thankfully I went to Turkey.

Because for a few years I had “that life” in Ottawa, Canada.  And I didn’t enjoy it. Or the city I was living in.  Sure I have the most amazing friends a girl could ask for.  The lifestyle was great. And I had a great little apartment in the downtown market district where I spent my evenings, weekends and pay cheques.

But something was not right.

I was young. Motivated. But yet defeated by a work culture that is not conducive to creativity. A city that wasn’t “doing” it for me.

And it was during this time that I heard a podcast featuring Richard Florida talking about his idea of the creative class. [The creative class tend to set their own working hours, dress code and working conditions.  They tend to hold jobs that provide creative solutions and include a breadth of professionals including doctors, engineers and lawyers but also designers, artists and such….according to Wikipedia.]

At the end he began talking about his next book, Who’s Your City and he said, “where you choose to live is the most important decision you will make in your life” (I can’t seem to find the podcast on my iTunes, but I swear he said that).

And that’s when I realized I was living in the wrong city. That I’m not a government type. So why live in a government city?  I don’t have children so why live in a city that has everything a family would want, but not a young, single gal like me?  I HATE winter so why live in a city where the temperatures regularly drop to -35’C in January?

It was also when I booked a three-week holiday to Morocco. I had a job I hated and couldn’t wait to get away. And that’s when I discovered Marrakech.  A city filled with artists, creators, inventors, and just all around creative types.

So I moved here.

Suddenly I was happier (sure I miss my family and friends a lot and go through periods of homesickness). Suddenly I was realizing talents and interests I had no idea I had. Suddenly I was more productive and inspired. Suddenly I was meeting fabulously interesting people doing fabulously amazing things!

Suddenly I was surrounded by people who, like me, it seems prefer a certain lifestyle, albeit crazy at times.  One not defined by office hours. Where every night is Friday night. And every day can be Saturday morning. And that Sunday-evening feeling doesn’t exist.

Now I’m not saying that Ottawa is a bad place. It’s just not for me. At this moment in my life. Likewise, some friends come to visit and can’t wait to leave Marrakech! It’s about finding what works for you.

I’m grateful for my holiday in Turkey because after five weeks away, I was missing Marrakech, which made the decision making process easier.

So now it’s time for me to prepare for the next chapter of my career, and I’m excited about what’s in store.  In the city that makes me radiate with energy.  That’s my city, Marrakech!

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

Stay tuned for more!

xo Mandy

9 thoughts on “Who’s your city?

  1. I will land in Casablanca feb,3rd and boy ! I hope it’s not just another San Diego but with a deferent flavor !!!! Because it’s not going to work for me . But we shall see””,

  2. Mandy,

    Every single word of what you have written about Marrakech is sooooo spot on and resonates to me.

    Like you I am planning to move to Marrakech in two years’ time if things work out.

    I am sick and tired of wintery and cold London where even my good paycheque in a very boring job, very busy friends and my Wimbledon village flat seem very dull.

    I spent 7 nights in Marrakech in December last year and I can’t wait to return to the red city in March 2014 for 14 days.

    I fell in love with everything – the people including tourists, the dariga (Moroccan Arabic), speaking in French, the city vibrancy, the old and new architecture, the life opportunities and the incredibly magic nights. Everyday in Marrakech is a celebration of life, colour and creativity that I so feel connected to.

    I so understand why you have left Canada behind.

    Keep having fun!!!!!

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