The impact of a single journey

I love Vanity Fair.  The well-written articles, beautiful photography and stunning ads capture me for hours.

So when I saw this gorgeous ad, I stopped.  Couldn’t take my eyes off of the caption.  Someone else felt the same way as I.

"A single journey can change the course of a life.  Cambodia, May 2011"
"A single journey can change the course of a life. Cambodia, May 2011" from August issue of Vanity Fair

Yep I know that feeling.  A feeling so strong it changed my entire life.

It’s as though Angelina Jolie took the words write out of my mouth.

Have you had a journey that has changed you?

2 thoughts on “The impact of a single journey

  1. Love the ad and the sentiment. My first trip to Egypt helped me realize my strength and independence.

    But I still want to feed that girl a Big Mac with a side of poutine. 😛

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