Getting ready for the holidays!

Yikes! In just two weeks I’ll be heading home for Christmas.  Two weeks until I am face-to-face with winter. Snow. Cold. And everything else I HATE about winter.

But after two years of being abroad I’m looking forward to going home for the holidays. Snuggled up next to the  fireplace, trying not to complain too much about the cold temperatures, enjoying the company of my dear family.  And the fun of Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with two little ones excited about Santa’s visit.  And visiting with amazing friends who stop by. Oh and of course the yummy treats!

But if the snow and below-zero temperatures aren’t scary enough, I’ve got a mile-long to-do list to complete before I get there.  In Africa.

And I’m in currently lounging about in Asia soaking up the sun on the Mediterranean!

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

I’m trying not to stress too much!

xo Mandy

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