Andalusia: Stop #2

We arrived in the pouring rain.  But it didn’t matter.  The charming old Jewish quarter  of Cordoba complete with winding cobblestoned streets lead to little tapas bars and cafes to keep us dry.

Easily one of the top highlights of our trip, the mosque turned cathedral is absolutely divine.  A truly fine example of Mudejar architecture.

The outside like a candy cane.  With the most interesting patterns and shapes.

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

And inside, breath-taking.  The carved stucco. The colourful arches.

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

But the real gem was the minbar.  With details so fine and colours so rich it could’ve been a tapestry.

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

It’s easy to understand how this would’ve been an amazing mosque during the days of Muslim Spain.

And in between visiting the mosque/cathedral, we enjoyed the most amazing tapas!

Stuffed artichokes. Pumpkin soup.  Chicken with honey and dates.  Yum, yum, yum!   And beautiful Andalusian music in the background.  If you’re in Cordoba, a meal at Casa Mazal for Sephardic cuisine is a MUST!

Copyright Mandy Sinclair
Copyright Mandy Sinclair

Thankfully we were there for two nights so we sampled another tapas bar and filled up honeyed aubergine, manchega cheese drizzled with honey and sprinkled with walnuts at Bodegas Mesquita.  Oh I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

Until our next stop….

xo Mandy

4 thoughts on “Andalusia: Stop #2

  1. Hi Mandy,
    Good to read about Cordoba. It looks just the sort of place I’d love to visit and of course photograph. The meals you describe are making me hungry……

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