Why you need to visit Meknes in 2019 with Lonely Planet’s Lauren Keith on episode 008 of Why Morocco

For the eighth episode of Why Morocco, I reached former colleague and sometimes editor Lauren Keith. Lauren is Lonely Planet’s Destination Editor for the Middle East & North Africa and the publication recently named Meknes one of its top 10 cities to visit in 2019. Lauren spent a weekend in Meknes and Fez before the announcement was made, and she tells me she’s inspired to come back more often given it’s just a quick flight from London.

I first met Lauren when I contributed a couple of articles to Lonely Planet, namely this article about street food in Morocco and a street art walking tour of Rabat. Then I worked with Lauren as a Lonely Planet local in Marrakech for a few months, scoping out what’s new and newsworthy in the city I call home.

For now, listen in as Lauren tells us about this often-overlooked city between Rabat and Fez, and just minutes from the famous Roman ruins Volubilis: https://mandyinmorocco.com/podcast/008-lauren-keith-on-lonely-planets-morocco-pick-for-2019/

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