Making a difference

In a recent blog post I talked about success versus failure.  My decision to go overseas is largely fueled by a desire to make a difference in someone’s life.   Overall I’ve been extremely fortunate in my life.  I have an education and a professional career.  I have a great family and I’m surrounded by supporting friends.  I’m honoured to have the opportunity to support two very important non-profit organizations in our community.

Not everyone can say the same about their lives and I am made aware of this daily.

When I was in Morocco I had a female tour guide to help me navigate the winding and narrow streets of Fes.  Because she is able to speak English, she was able to find a good job and provide for her family.  Actually, her husband, a potter, stays home on the days she works to care for the children and vice versa.  In fact, she is the motivation behind my desire to return.  It’s so easy to get caught up in daily life, consumed with having the latest styles, where to spend the next weekend getaways and how much money is in the bank.

But if you could do one thing to make a difference in someone’s life, what would you do?  And what are you waiting for?

0 thoughts on “Making a difference

  1. Hi Mandy!! This is so wonderful what you are doing and what you have expressed here is exactly how I feel and I so want to do something similar and I applaud you for your courage and determination to follow through with your desire to make this difference which will not onky change others’ lives for the better but ultimately your own!!

    1. Kathy, you’ll have to come visit me. There is a community house that helps women in need in northern Morocco. I may see about volunteering with while I’m there.

      And you’re right, I certainly get more out of volunteering than I ever feel like I’m giving.

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